A HERO'S SPARK: the final book in the Wicked Women series!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

FREE BEER! okay, now that I have your attention...

Good afternoon!

Some of you follow my friend and extremely talented writer Elliott Mason. If you don't, you should!

You can catch him here:

Anyway, Elliott shares my passion for movies, and he has a great little contest involving movie quotes. I adore movie quotes, but since I don't want to copy him (Not that I could, he's brilliant!) I've decided to add a bit of fun here myself.

As a writer I'm inspired by a lot of things, but mostly I'm inspired by music. Think about it: You're driving along, and a song comes on the radio, something you haven't heard in maybe a decade and suddenly you're ten years younger, your life is ten years earlier. Music has that weird and amazing power to send us back in time, to cheer us up, to make us stronger or gentler.

And, in my case anyway, music helps me write books.

I have soundtracks for all my books. Thank heavens for mp3 players! I can write anyplace, just pop my earbuds in and go to the soundtrack. I find that my collection of music, while heavy with Rick Springfield and 80's tracks, is very mixed, almost schizophrenic.

Anyway, now that I've gone around the block to get to the point next door, here's what's new: It's LYRIC LINE THURSDAY!

I'll give you a lyric line from a song, any song, that is currently inspiring my writing. First person to get it right gets major bragging rights (For now...I'm thinking free copies of "Dream in Color" might find their way to the winners once the book is out on 4-2-2010! FREE BOOKS!)

So, my friends, here's your first lyric lines:

Tonight, (tonight) a mist is rolling with the river
Tonight, (tonight) the rain is coming down.
Tonight (tonight) you reach out to the point of decision
one wave that closes on a drowning man.

Oh, and I'm not going to say that googling the lyric is! But music brainiacs with huge libraries are encouraged to join in the fun!

Rock on my friends!


  1. All I can think of is 'Tonight, I celebrate my love for you...', and I don't think this is the same thing.

    Your clicky-linky for my site doesn't work, it should be Of course, if anyone wants to 'Ask The Nerdy Fat Guy' a question, they can email me at

    And ultimately, shouldn't I be getting a free signed copy of the book, anyway?

  2. Hey, Elliott...don't harsh my mellow! LOL! I'm new to the licky-linky..why won't it work? And yes, YOU will be getting the signed copy! LOL! (And yes, you're wAY off on the song!)

  3. You forget - Elliott Mason: Ruining People's Joy Since 1971!

    The linky issue is a matter of @ versus dot, so - at least on my computer - it tries to email me instead of redirecting me.

    And I know I'm off base on the song, I had to Google the lyric and never heard of the band. Your page comes up sixth when I do...

    I've only heard one song by them - ever - and it was on a soundtrack from many many years ago.

  4. Frankly, I've always believed that Icehouse was a completely underrated, overlooked band. I have them playing almost exclusively when I'm writing certain sections of my books. There's something really deep and relaxing about the lead singer's voice.
