A HERO'S SPARK: the final book in the Wicked Women series!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Avoiding writing by...writing!

Hello friends!

It's been more than a week! How did that happen?

Well, I have much to tell you. First of all, I will NEVER again mock a football player for having a sore hamstring. Sunday morning I got out of bed...and fell down! Generally I reserve Saturday nights for falling down, but not this week. The muscle in the back part of my knee pretty much said, "Uh, no, not today."

After hobbling through church and a good swim session at the pool, I felt a bit better, but the pain was still there. I won't bore you completely with the details, but one of my oldest friends, Rachel S. suggested maybe I do a little stretching, you know, since I've been working out so much more lately. Sure enough...stretch the hamstring, the hamstring is nice to you.

I think my best news is that I had the most amazing 12 minutes and 7 seconds on the phone late last week EVER. No, Rick Springfield did not call me. (That was where the big money was amongst my friends.) Instead, hockey great Jeremy Roenick gave me a jingle.

To be fair, it's not like retired NHL stars call me out of the blue. I wish! No, my cousin Jill is BF F's wife JR's wife. And Jill's been on me to write an NHL romance for months. (Why not? Harlequin has there Nascar romances.) Well, as it turns out, my hero in "7/8ths Time" does NOT want to be a DJ. He really wants to be a retired NHL player.

Enter Jeremy Roenick. Jill very nicely set up a phone call between the two of us. Let me tell you, the man could NOT have been nicer. I was in the nauseous throes of nerves, and he was sweet and very funny. The man is a great interview.

Thusly, Quinn Murray is no longer a hot DJ. Now he's a hot retired hockey player. Not as much of a stretch since, with the changing landscape in the radio biz, DJ's just aren't what they used to be and college jocks wouldn't return my calls. Guess I'm not cool enough to talk to or something. Whatever.

I've returned to actual writing because, my friends, as much fun as blogging is, it's not moving my WRITING forward. Yes, I'm writing, and if you blog, it's writing, don't doubt it. But I, like every other writer I know, have very limited time for my craft. So if I'm MIA for short stretches of time, please forgive me. Thanks to my cousin Jill and Jeremy Roenick, I'm inspired like I haven't been in ages. This book is getting written! (I know my darling critique partner, Linda, will be delighted to get something other than chapters 1-4 over and over again!)

Don't worry, kids, I'll be around. Are you kidding? I'm waiting for news of "Lies in Chance." You KNOW I'm going to make an announcement one way or another.

BTW, a friend of mine just jumped into the e-pub pool and says the water's fine. Maybe my hot retired hockey player will find his way to the Internet!

Meanwhile, the rest of you, GO FORTH AND WRITE!

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