So, this weekend, I'm offering downloads my office humor book, "Not While I'm Chewing" for FREE!
No strings.
Seriously...just click on THIS LINK and download the first volume of Elsie W's office antics! FOR FREE!
No Kindle? No problem...you can download it to your computer. Seriously...FREE!
I'm trying to build my reader base, and the best way I can think of is to have people read what I write, and the best way I can do that is give away one of my books. So click on THIS LINK FOR A FREE COPY OF "NOT WHILE I'M CHEWING!"
This is my one non-fiction book. (Which is why the names have been changed to protect the innocent...like me.) Every word in this book is absolutely true, although some people have a hard time believing Elsie W. is a real person.
Believe me...I lived it. She's real.
This is the FIRST volume of stories I've written about my time working with Elsie W. My second volume will be out the beginning of September. So...jump on this FREE OFFER and get the fruits of my hard labor for FREE! JUST CLICK HERE!
I'm not sure I can make it easier! LOL
This offer is for this weekend only. Sunday night..you are out of luck! So hurry!
Thank you! Enjoy!
Thank you! Enjoy!
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