Nothing like starting a Monday morning out bright and early with a brand new book, or, also, an interview with an author who has a brand new book out!
I'm so excited to welcome back my friend and fellow romance author, Ilona Fridl, author of multiple romantic page turners offered to you through a number of channels by our friends at The Wild Rose Press. Today we are talking to Ilona about her newest novel, That Monroe Girl.

Here's a nibblet to whet your whistle. (Oh yes, and it's I'm getting into the mood.)
Cat Monroe arrives in Tombstone, Arizona searching for her father and brothers, who left Virginia for the West right after the Civil War. With the help of newspaper reporter Jake Spenser, she finds her family and a whole peck of trouble. She's falling for the newspaperman, but she discovers his family and hers are feuding over water rights. When he father finally accepts that she is his daughter, he wants to marry her off to a rich neighbor who has a dark past.
Scandal and murder are catching her in a snare. Who can she possibly trust in a town too tough to die?
And now, my friends, it's time for TEN QUESTIONS WITH AUTHOR ILONA FRIDL!

Sarah: You are very welcome, Ilona! I'm always excited to alert folks to indie and e-pubbed authors
who are putting out excellent reads! Here we go with the questions!
1) Tell us about the book! What would you like readers to take away from "That Monroe Girl?"
Mostly I wrote the story for pure entertainment, but there seems to be an underlying message of the struggle a woman had to endure i the 19th century.
2) What book ,movie, song or character inspired you to write this book?
I've always loved Westerns. Growing up, I watched movies, TV, and read books about the times in the Old West. Writing a Western was in the card for me.
3) Best/worst movie based on a book.
Best was the 1990s version of "Little Women." That stayed most faithful to the story. Worst was "Gone With The Wind." I think I would have liked the movie better if I hadn't read the book first. They left so much of the story out of it.
Sarah's response: I totally agree, the 1990's "Little Women" was really good and the production value was amazing. As for "GWTW," I love both the book and the movie but I agree, the movie left way too much out.
4) Of all your books, which of your characters is most like you?

Sarah's response: I think those who know me know how I would answer that question! LOL
5) If you could live in any time period or be any person, when or whom would you choose and why?
I think coming of age in the 1920's would be fun. That's where I set my "Dangerous Times" series. Working in Hollywood for the studios in that pioneering time always interested me.
6: I've spent some serious time on this blog talking about the future of publishing and e-publishing. You work with The Wild Rose Press. what are your thoughts on self publishing-e-publishing and the future of electronic books?
I think there will always be a place for paper books but you have to make room for the e-books as well. For books you want to keep and read over and over, paper is best. The e-readers is easy to take with you and you don't have to haul around bulky books when you travel.
7) What are you reading right now?
"Magic's Price" by Mercedes Lackey. I love fantasy and maybe will tackle a fantasy book one of these days.
8) Plain M & M's or peanut and why?
Plain. I like to put them in my mouth and let them dissolve into a chocolate gooey mess. Peanuts just get in the way!

9) Who would play you in a movie about your life?
I'd need a curvy actress and there's not many of those in the industry. Melissa McCarthy? Too much. Kardashians? no. I'm rambling now. Looks like I'll have to put out a casting call. That doesn't answer your question does it? Oh well, I'm open for suggestions...
10: What's next for you?
I have a novella mystery coming out with Amos and Sarah Darcy from "Prime Catch."
Ilona Fridl was born in sunny California where she spent the first twenty years of her life. Dreaming up stories took up a lot of her time. She then followed her parents to Wisconsin where she met her husband, Mark. They started a locksmithing business, but there were still stories in her head. Finally she started putting them on paper, actually, a computer. The rest is history. She has an adult daughter and a granddaughter.
If you want to find Ilona online:
Her website!
Her Facebook!
Her Goodreads!
If you want to buy Ilona's books (and of COURSE YOU DO!)
At the Wild Rose Press
On Amazon
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