A HERO'S SPARK: the final book in the Wicked Women series!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen...Fresh Ice.

Good morning!

After much editing, many bumps in the road, and more cups of coffee by day and glasses of pinot noir by night, I am delighted to announce that my third novel, Fresh Ice, will be released officially on Tuesday, December 12.  (That's 12-12-12.)

You will be able to purchase it where all digital books are sold, and, so long as I get my act in gear this week and get it together, you'll be able to purchase it in print on Amazon.

Words cannot begin to express the joy this announcement gives me.  Every writer dreams of the day they can release their story, their heart, to the world and I've been so blessed to be able to do it now for the third time.  Releasing a book is very much like giving birth.  The biggest difference is that the book won't sass me and demand I give it the car keys on Saturday.

Once Fresh Ice is available for sale, I will post links on this blog.

Now, the rest of you, go forth and WRITE!

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