Hello my friends!
Memorial Day Weekend here in the US is the official kick off to Summer. And while we are taking a moment to remember our brave, selfless men and women who have lived and died to give us the freedom we think of far too little, we also look forward to the next several weeks of being OUTSIDE.
Yes, summer, especially here in Wisconsin, is that short span of time when we all crawl out of our homes and into the rare warm sunshine. We blink vague recognition at our neighbors and uncover pale skin.
Summer is a great time, if you're a new author, to get out and meet the public. Book signings often go hand in hand with outdoor activities. Take Waukesha, for example. Every Friday night during the summer, Waukesha opens up the historic downtown area for Friday Night Live. If you like strolling the streets of a quaint downtown area, checking out cool local shops, and hearing music on every street corner, this is a great place to check out.
If you show up at Martha Merrill's Books and Cafe (231 West Main St., Waukesha) on August 3 between 6 and 8:30 in the evening, you will see me signing my books, Dream in Color, and Lies in Chance. You will also see my good friend and critique partner, Linda Schmalz signing right along with me. (Her two brilliant books, A Lonely Sky, and What Dead Women Want, are both well worth a look!)
Now, if you happen to be in the Northwoods of Wisconsin NEXT weekend, June 2nd Linda and I, along with many other Wisconsin romance authors, will be supporting literacty programs by doing a book sale and signing at the WisRWA conference in the Wausau, WI area. (Holiday Inn and Suites 1000 Imperial Avenue, Rothschild.) You can catch us all outside the Crystal Ballroom from 5-6 Pm.
If you aren't able to get to one of my book signings, check out your local bookstores and see when they are having local authors in for readings and signings. Or, if you're an author, hit the streets and get your book out there!
It's summer...time for book signings!
Thank you, Sarah! Can't wait to join you! Come on out, people!