A HERO'S SPARK: the final book in the Wicked Women series!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's a this and that sort of day!

Hello my friends!

I's been a while since I last checked in with you.  I would LOVE to say I've been working feverishly on "7/8ths Time" but we all know I've just been working feverishly on other stuff.  I'm hoping, now that the biggest issues of my spring have been addressed, and now that the arthritis in my hands has been brought under control, I can be back at the writing in the coming days.

I do, however, have a couple of things to put out on the world wide inter web:

First, if you live in the Madison, Wisconsin Area and you are looking for a great writer's group, check out the Mad City Romance Writers.  They meet once a month, generally the third Saturday of the month. Don't let the name fool you:  Mad City Romance Writers isn't just about romance.  There are writers from EVERY genre in this group.  The next meeting is April 23.  Check the link for more details.  It's a great, diverse group, and I learn new things every time I get there.  (And shame on me for not getting there more often!)

Which brings me to the other big dealio I need to put out there.  Alex Bledsoe, a very talented HORROR writer, and someone I'm proud to claim as a professional friend, is making a couple of appearances in the next few weeks and if you are able, you should go and check him out.  Here's a bit of a blurb from Madison. com:

‘Dark Jenny’ author Bledsoe at OddCon

“Dark Jenny,” the third book in fantasy author Alex Bledsoe’s noir detective series featuring “private sword jockey” Eddie LaCrosse, was published at the end of March. In “Dark Jenny,” LaCrosse investigates the poisoning of a knight from the island kingdom of Grand Braun. The chief suspect: the island’s Queen Jennifer.

Bledsoe, a native of Tennessee who now lives in Mount Horeb, will be on a number of panels at Odyssey Con, a general interest science fiction and fantasy convention being held at the Radisson Hotel Madison, 517 Grand Canyon Drive, Friday through Sunday, April 8-10. This year’s featured guests include J.V. Jones, author of the “Sword of Shadows” series; Wisconsin author Sarah Monette, author of the “Doctrine of Labyrinths” series; and professional game designer and author Robin D. Laws. The full schedule of events is available online at

Bledsoe will also be doing a reading and signing on Tuesday, April 19, at 6 p.m. at Booked for Murder, 2701 University Ave.

Oh, and have I mentioned, Alex's books are really, really, REALLY good?  Take a few minutes out of your life and go meet this talented author!

That's it for me at the moment my friends.  I'm slowly clearing my desk and I just know, if I dig down deep enough, I'll find a plot I can work on down there!

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