A HERO'S SPARK: the final book in the Wicked Women series!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Number...whatever...with a bullet!

Good afternoon!
I'm a creature of habit and one of the habits I have is depending on things like letter grades and countdowns to gage how well I'm doing. If I get an A in something, I'm doing very well. The kids' school district is moving to a 1,2,3,4 scale...I'll be completely lost!

Thank goodness countdown lists are still with us!
As a child of the 80's, I knew which songs were good by how many weeks Casey Kasem played them on the countdown. Today, the music world is as fractured as everything else with so many more options thanks to wild wild web. Still, I can't help but tune in on the weekends to sometimes hear a "long distance dedication" and the top five.

So today, while doing my usual scan of where "Dream in Color" is selling, I hit the Barnes and Noble website. This is the only one that consistently has a sales ranking. For the last two months I've been stalled in the mid 300,000's . (Yeah, you read that right.)

But today, it was different. Today, I shot up to #135,766!

This is the highest sales rank "Dream" has been at EVER!

Okay, so it's not like I'm battling Nicholas Sparks for the number one spot. I'll let Jodi Picoult and Nora Roberts do that. I'm just so happy to be in the Hundred Thousands!

Is it The New York Times best seller list? Nope. But am I still happy? Yuppers. It's not anything I'm going to pop into a Christmas newsletter...probably...but my fellow writers will get how the very little things are so important when it comes to our books.

So, today, #135,766. Tomorrow...maybe another book contract?
Hey, the sky's the limit!
Now, go forth and WRITE!

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