A HERO'S SPARK: the final book in the Wicked Women series!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Is that what you wanted to do when you were a kid?

Good afternoon!

Geez, what a week already!

It's Wednesday and I'm beat dog tired. Retail, even online retail, even online retail with a crappy website like what we run is going insane right now. 'Tis the season to buy everyone's love, right?

Hey, welcome to my two new followers! Light some candles, make some tea, and get cozy.

Okay, so some of you know that I spend the first hour of most of my work days at my daughter's school working in the before school care. It's silly and pointless most days, since there are generally two kids, both of whom are very well behaved, and then the other caregiver brings in her brood of vipers who proceed to tear up the place. I've never worked in a child care setting where broken toys where thrown out on an HOURLY basis. Makes me wonder what their house looks like!

Well, the other day, one of the little demons asked me what I did, why I had to scoot to work after I dropped her at her classroom. I told her I sold toys online and on ebay. She looked at me with those crazy demon eyes of hers (seriously, should a five year old be that scary?) and asked, "Is that what you wanted to do when you were a kid?"

Ummm, not a chance. No, I wanted to be a rock star. I wanted to be a librarian. I wanted to raise race horses and show horses and beans. I wanted to live by a pond in a soddy, like Laura Ingalls and raise horses and corn and wear fabulous dresses like Scartlett O' Hara all while singing on stage to adoring fans.

Oh, and I wanted to be a world famous writer.

Yep, from very, very young I wanted to write. That's what I've always wanted to do, something I knew deep in my soul possibly the first time I read a book all on my own.

But you know how it goes: Bills, kids, gifts for in-laws you never see but have to buy gifts for so they don't put you on "their list." Thus, the need for a job that pays a check.

So no, little future evil genius. I did not want to spend my day selling toys online for a man who treats me like a second class citizen.

None of us is doing what we wanted to do when we were kids. If we were there would be way more astronauts and actresses and way fewer secretaries and day care providers. But that's okay, really, because while those of us who are working at jobs that we would never, ever have picked for ourselves when we were kids, we're still dreaming.

Yes, little wild beast child, adults dream. We dream beautiful dreams when no one else is looking. We dream of children with clean faces and made beds. We dream of days when we are called "Your Majesty" more than, "HEY LADY!" We dream of reaching that goal we had when we were nine, ten, eleven.

We dream of Rick Springfield, David James Elliot, Randy Mantooth, (insert your own heart throb here) standing on our doorstep wanting nothing more than to whisk us away to a wonderful place.

We dream of a life without screaming, howling, toy breaking children...ahem.

So, my friends, keep dreaming. Keep writing, keep moving forward with whatever it is that gives you bliss.

Have a great evening all!


  1. Um...beans?

    I don't miss retail at this time of year. Not one bit.

  2. I wanted to be a scientist.

    There was a time when I wanted to be a professional baseball player, though.

    I don't even watch baseball now. So, I guess that counts as failure in the future career department, right?

  3. I don't think there can be failures in the "dream job" categories, can there? Dreams just change. And Elliott...beans? LOL!

  4. I've always wanted to be a writer too! It's strange how we have these huge dreams when we were kids and somewhere along the journey reality kicks in. If I'd had the money, I'd already taken a long visit to Europe and visited Scotland and Ireland, and Wales. Just a few dreams I still have left, burning in my heart.

  5. Jennifer...I'd love to travel with ya! (And I have a friend who would come along, too!) Never stop dreaming! That trip will happen for you!
